Sell Some, Make Some: Tips for Starting a Custom Phone Case Business

Ravi Prajapati
Ravi Prajapati

If you are starting your first custom phone case business, you will want to read these tips.

You’ve always wanted to sell phone cases.

You love the creative aspect of designing the cases — but the business side of running your own company, as well. 

If you want to do it right, you’ll need a solid plan for how to get your cell phone case business off the ground. 

We’re here to make that happen.

In this post, we’ll tell you the most important things to take into consideration when you’re ready to turn your dream of starting a phone case business into a reality. 

Read on to learn what it takes to earn the loyalty of your clients, generate consistent profits, and provide products to the people who need them the most. 

  1. Define Your Target Market

95% of Americans say that they own some sort of a cell phone. 

So, when you’re starting a cell phone case business, it can be tempting to define your market as simply “95% of the population.” However, especially when you’re just opening your doors, that’s not always the best idea.

Instead, take the time to define your niche market.

First of all, this means that you’ll have a much better understanding of your average buyer.
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This will allow you to make more effective marketing campaigns and, above all, products you know your market actually will want to buy. 

Additionally, you’ll be able to more clearly state what sets you apart from your competition. 

Let’s take a look at a couple of examples here. 

First of all, perhaps you want to sell phone cases that are designed specifically for runners.

Because they need to be able to run outdoors, maybe your cases are weatherproof in some way. Perhaps they’re also especially shatter-proof, in case a runner drops them while on the go. Maybe the cases even contain some sort of built-in pedometer to make them that much more attractive to your target market. 

Or maybe your market is fashion-conscious millennial women. 

These women want phone cases that change colors so that they can coordinate them with the outfit they’re wearing. They also want a phone case that comes with a special photo lighting device that allows them to take more flattering selfies. Maybe they even want to have the option to get their case personalized with their initials. 

See what we mean here? 

Having a defined niche market will make you much more likely to actually make sales. You can always broaden that target market as you begin to generate more revenue. 

  1. Make It Customizable

We’re entering an era of customization. 

People want to feel like they have something that’s “just for them” — yes, even when it comes to mass-produced products. 

The trick is to give your market one area for customization. You can offer this option as an add-on feature for an extra charge. (Doing so is an awesome way to generate an extra bit of revenue for your cell phone case business.) 

What are some ideas for custom iPhone cases?

You can let your market choose a custom image to upload on their cell phone case. Maybe they want to have their case made with a picture of their dog, their partner, or even just their celebrity crush. 

You can let them choose a font and a color to have their initials printed on the case, as we mentioned above. 

If you’re interested in making a cell phone case businessmen and women would love to have, why not let them make a customizable case with their name, job title, and contact information on it?

Custom phone cases also make for awesome company promotional items. We love the idea of printing cases that have a brand’s logo on them. These are genuinely useful items that brands would love to use to promote their products and services. 

In short? 

When it comes to customization, there are no limits to what you can achieve. 

  1. Spread the Word

Of course, in addition to developing awesome products you know people will be excited to use? 

You also need to think about the ways in which you plan to market your phone case business. 

One of the best — and most affordable — ways to do just that? Start a blog for your cell phone case business. First of all, businesses with a blog have over 400% more indexed pages than those that don’t. 

Why should you care?

Because the more indexed pages you have, the more likely you are to outrank the competition. This is because Google has more pages to “index” into its search engine as a whole. 

However, blogging alone isn’t enough. 

Just as you did with defining your target market, you’ll also need to define which social media platform the majority of your market spends their time using. Then, concentrate the majority of your marketing efforts there. (Yes, we said “majority.” You should still create accounts on other social media platforms.
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Then, interact with your followers on social media as much as you can. This means liking their photos, creating hashtags for you all to connect on, and even re-posting follower photos with your products to your own branded account.
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A Word About Online Reviews

When it comes to your overall marketing strategy, online reviews are absolutely something you need to take into consideration. 

After all, about 97% of consumers say they read online reviews about a product or brand before making a purchasing decision. 

This means that people want to know what past consumers have experienced when it comes to the longevity and quality of your products as a whole. Remember that it’s perfectly fine — expected, even — to ask for reviews. 

When you ship your products, we suggest including an insert reminding your customers to leave a review. If they do, you could include a code for an extra discount off their next purchase. 

If you have any sort of a mailing list, remember to give your readers the option to leave you a review in the body of the email itself. 

Finally, it’s important to regularly read and respond to your reviews. First of all, doing so is an excellent way to learn more about what is and isn’t working when it comes to your cases. 

But you also demonstrate that you’re listening to feedback — even if it isn’t always as wonderful as you’d like for it to be.

Respond both privately and publicly to negative reviews. When you can, do what you’re able to make things right with an unhappy customer. 

  1. Understand Your Finances

Yes, knowing your market is important. 

So is making sure that you have a great branding and advertising strategy in place.

But none of that will matter if you don’t take the time to create a financial roadmap for your business. You need to understand how you can afford to start your business, how you’ll secure funding, and even when you can expect to turn a profit. 

This will help you to get a better understanding of the kinds of prices you’re able to offer your customers. It will also ensure that you’re able to actually stay in business. 

If you find that you need to apply for a business loan, make sure you’ve taken the time to do some serious research when it comes to your loan terms. Understand any fees associated with the loan, and if you need to make a hefty down payment. 

Above all, make certain that you feel your revenue will allow you to be able to pay back the loan on time. The same goes for feeling as though you can afford the interest rates.

You don’t want to feel like you’re trapped in an endless cycle of debt and payments. Ask about any fees associated with missed or late payments, as well. 

Loans are a wonderful way to be able to secure cash for a new business. However, if not properly researched, they can quickly turn into a huge issue for your new cell phone case business. 

Start a Phone Case Business with These Tips

We hope that this post has helped you to better understand the things you need to start thinking about when you’re ready to start a phone case business. 

Remember to take the time to study up on your funding options. Additionally, clearly define your niche market, and make sure your advertising strategy is consistent with that. 

Above all, never stop learning new ways to grow your company and expand your market in general. 

We can certainly help you to make that happen. 

Keep checking back with our website and blog to get access to the latest tips and tricks regarding all things tech. Additionally, we’ll also make sure you’re up-to-date on all the biggest digital marketing and SEO trends

You deserve to rise to the top of search engine rankings.

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