Why Not Download free Music from Google Play

Deval Shah
Deval Shah

The life of every person is somehow connected with music. For some, this is a favorite job that brings good dividends; for others, it’s just something related to pleasure and pleasure. On the Internet, there are a huge number of different sites and platforms that allow you to listen to music, albums, collections of music tracks, receive personalized recommendations and download music for free and for free.

Today we’ll talk with you about this topic and give answers to questions that have long bothered many.
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Why is it better to pay for music instead of downloading it for free from Google Play? Because there are hundreds of platforms where you can download music that you just like or the one that you need to work. Take TakeTones.com into account, here we can find everything you need. There are many ways to pay for music: with a one-time download or payment for a monthly or annual subscription.

Music is also a work.

We will start from this point, because in our view it is the most important. Any work must be respected and any work must be paid. Professional musicians are no different from office staff or a janitor in your area: they also work.
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Of course, when you look at how they live it seems that musicians are the last people on the planet who need your 10 dollars.

But for every rapper with diamond teeth and gold chains, there are a huge number of less wealthy musicians who just make a living. They do their job well – and expect to get paid for it.

Composer or artist needs money to write music. Instruments, time in the studio, musicians, sound engineers, music summaries – all this is not free, and moreover it is very expensive.

On average, it takes from 50 to 100 thousand dollars to record a good hit. But even if the musician writes music at home in the kitchen for a cup of coffee, waiting for this, you also need money at least to buy a laptop, download special work programs and coffee;)

If earlier, when the Internet was not so popular, musicians could earn from offline sales of their cassettes, records and discs, now they cover their expenses mainly through concerts and streaming services.

Music quality

It seems that there isn’t much to write here. It is already clear that if you pay for music, then the content that you receive will ultimately be much better than the one that you can get by avoiding payments for a music product.

There is an easy and proven way to assess the quality of music – this is an estimate of the file sizes that the service player uses.

To do this, you need to remember the duration of the track being played, then in the browser toolbar of the developer’s tools, find the playable media file and calculate its bit rate, based on the fact that a minute of sound with 320 kbps quality takes about 2.4 Mb, and with 192 kbps quality one minute is approximately 1.4 MB. The track examined below for an example lasting about 8 minutes should occupy 19 Mb as 320 kbps and about 11 Mb in 192 kbps.

Music and the law

Any musical composition has an author, and the author has rights to the composition. The company that recorded it in the studio, broadcasts on radio or television, and may promote the same composition. Before using any music, ask yourself a question, am I doing this legally?
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If we are talking about downloaded paid music, then most likely the answer to this question will be “YES”. Because when you download paid music from any service, it implies that you are buying licensed rights to this composition and can continue to use it the way you need it.

BUT often cafe owners think that even if they bought a licensed disc, or downloaded it legally and legally from the Internet, they can use it as they like. But on each disc it is written that it is only for home use, with family or friends. Every self-respecting owner of a cafe, restaurant or store must conclude an agreement on the use of music. You can come to a state agency, you can contact any private organization that has the right to collect royalties.

Copyright is a big topic, you can’t just put on a song, even if it’s kind of free. Copyright, or rather their total non-compliance, is one of the sore points for many composers. Therefore, if you answer “NO” to the above question, then wait for the fine. There is one large organization that deals with different types of rights – someone is responsible only for painting, someone for the public performance of music, someone for related rights. The fine can vary from $ 1,000 to $ 500,000. It depends on how many illegal songs were sounded and how many times came across this.

 Most people do not steal food from the supermarket and do not run away from the hairdresser after a haircut without paying. But with music it often turns out that way. Previously, it was associated with tangible media that can be touched and placed on shelves. With the advent of digital technology, music has become ephemeral – therefore, when people download a track illegally, they don’t have the feeling that they stole something. Therefore, we urge you to be honest.

Read More: How To Get Google Play Music For Free

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