Getting a Good Night’s Sleep: It’s Not as Difficult as You Think

Deval Shah
Deval Shah

We have all been there-waking up bleary-eyed and lethargic from an uncomfortable sleep. Some people think you can shrug it off and proceed with your day, but poor sleeping habits can cause serious health problems.

The advent of the industrial age brought a massive wave of new technologies that led to a monumental shift in the way we work, how we spend our leisure time, and even created a perfect storm of factors that have been linked to our worsening sleep. These technologies are not inherently bad, but it is essential to know their effects, so you can stay healthy and get enough sleep.

Sleep is an essential part of life because it is when the body and the brain can repair themselves from the stresses of daily life. Sleep deprivation can lead to various health problems, such as weight gain, trouble concentrating, and depression. The two main ingredients for a good night’s sleep are a comfortable bed and a proper fixed time to sleep.

How Can We Sleep Better?

There are several devices available to make both of those easier. First, if it’s difficult to fall asleep, many applications on the market will play calming sounds or music to help you relax and find sleep. Secondly, if you’re a light sleeper who wakes up at different times, a sleep tracking app can monitor your sleep.

Many people all over the world struggle to sleep at night without succumbing to the demands of their day and letting the demands of the night take over. There are many ways that technology can help people sleep better and be less sleep-deprived.

For example, the right bedding material can significantly affect how well someone sleeps. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, studies have shown that people’s bodies start to cool around the time they go to sleep and that sleeping with a blanket will create a barrier against the body’s natural cooling process.

Silky soft cotton sheets feel great and provide comfort and luxury, but they also allow the body to cool, which means that people will wake up feeling better. Another tip is to have an under-the-blanket bed fan with an air-based cooling and warming system that will surely give you the sleep you deserve.

Another important thing to consider is the layout of your room. How much stuff do you have inside your bedroom? Is it a place of peace or clutter? You should make your bedroom a sanctuary because the way it is designed and taken care of will reflect better sleep and give you calmness every night.

One of the simplest ways to make the room comfortable is adding an air purifier. This device can also be helpful for people with respiratory issues. The air purifier removes the impurities which cause the breathing problems that you might be experiencing.

Floor plants can also clean the air, so investing in good indoor plants should also be added to your to-buy list.

Some Tips for Peaceful Sleep

Here are more simple tips for getting the sleep you need to feel refreshed and energized when you wake up:

  • Make your bedroom a sleep-only zone:Remember to turn off the TV and put the laptop away. Give your eyes and mind a break from any digital access.
  • Create a bedtime ritual:Taking baths, reading, listening to soothing music or podcasts will surely calm your brain after a busy day to prepare yourself to sleep.
  • Stick to your sleep schedule:Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. It is imperative to have a routine to further train your body and mind in relaxing.
  • Limit fluid intake before bedtime:Drinking too much water before going to bed can cause heartburn and other uncomfortable symptoms.
  • Practice relaxation techniques before bed:Following a breathing or guided meditation is another sure way to make you feel sleepy without having to exert any effort.

This sleeping environment you are creating is essential, and it is vital to make it as comfortable as you like. Use a mattress that is easy for your body and, most especially, your back.

Keep your room dark and quiet. For this, you can use blinds, curtains, or an eye mask to block out any light.

Final Thoughts

Remember to plan your day’s activities accordingly. Designate a specific time for eating, working, socializing, and exercising.

Keep in mind that the more you follow a disciplined routine, the more it is likely for you to feel sleepy at your desired nighttime schedule.

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