Things to Know Before Volunteering in Your Community

Deval Shah
Deval Shah

You can better your life and your community by volunteering for causes you care about.

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  Setting aside time out of your busy schedule to do good work can be rewarding, and there are plenty of opportunities to help.

Since volunteering requires plenty of commitment and some legwork on the front end, here are a few ways to get started.

Start small

Part of becoming an effective volunteer is not overextending yourself.  This is especially true if you have a busy schedule to begin with.  Therefore, if you start out by volunteering in some small capacity, you will still be able to give back without burning out.  Some non-profits allow volunteers to work off-site while others have ongoing needs that volunteers can schedule in advance.

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  Be realistic about the time you have available to give and don’t over promise.

Ally Berggren, volunteer director of Regional West Medical Center realizes that some people are on tight schedules and are concerned about the time commitment required to help out.

“We’re flexible, so people can work as much as they want or as little as they can. We have some volunteers who come three days a week and others who come twice a month,” she says.

Follow your passions

Once you’ve determined how much time you can commit to a social cause, the next step is to find work that you are passionate about.  Perhaps that involves spreading the word about a health-related cause or volunteering at a local food bank.

Chicago’s Thomas Kane is known for his philanthropic efforts and is the Illinois President of the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF).  Kane says he chose to volunteer his services for FIDF because he is passionate about social causes that provide people in need with educational opportunities.

Whatever the cause may be, find an opportunity that matches your interests and skills.

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  Then, create a volunteer resume to introduce yourself and showcase your knowledge.

Read the mission statement

Now that you’ve found the right organization, be sure to read its mission statement to make sure its goals align with your values. Look for things like whom the organization serves and real-life examples of how it has made an impact.

It’s also a good idea to check with community centers or places of worship for information.  Sometimes, smaller nonprofits have a basic or incomplete web presence where information can be hard to come by, but don’t let that discourage you.  Chances are there’s someone in the community doing their own work that would appreciate your help.

Set an example

When you sign up to represent an organization, paid or non-paid, it is important to BE a great volunteer.  That means showing up for your volunteer commitments on time, exuding professionalism and extending gratitude when necessary.  By striving to be your best, you are setting an example for the people around you.

People chose to volunteer for a variety of reasons.  Whatever the reason may be, giving back and volunteering your time allows you to connect to your community and make it a better place.

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