Six Things That Might Be Increasing Your Company’s Operational Costs

Deval Shah
Deval Shah

As a business owner or entrepreneur, you always look for ways to increase efficiency and reduce operational costs.
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But sometimes, it’s the things you don’t even realize that are costing you the most money.
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So here are the five most common offenders for increasing your company’s operational costs.

Employee Turnover

Employee turnover can be one of the biggest drains on your company’s finances. Not only do you have to spend money on recruiting and training new employees, but you also lose the institutional knowledge and experience of long-term employees. It’s now costing the entire economy one trillion dollars, but experts believe it’s a fixable problem. Here are three ways you can reduce employee turnover:

Improved Benefits

Your first option is to improve your benefits package. Offering competitive benefits can attract top talent and improve employee satisfaction and retention.

Better Management

Another option is improving management practices. This includes providing clear expectations, giving employees room for growth and development, and fostering positive company culture.

Regular Performance Evaluations

Finally, regularly conducting performance evaluations can help identify potential issues that may lead to employees leaving and address them before it’s too late. Inefficient Processes

If your processes are inefficient, it can lead to increased costs in terms of time, resources, and money. Here are three things that might be contributing to inefficiency in your company:


If your business relies on old communication tools, you might be inefficiently communicating with one another. One way to fix this is by upgrading your VOIP.

Your company’s VOIP is the system used for communication, such as phone calls and voicemail. You can streamline your communication tools and improve communication efficiency by working with VoIP gateway service providers. They can also offer a variety of features, such as call recording, visual voicemail, and online faxing.

Inconsistent Training

Another potential source of inefficiency is inconsistent training among employees. This means they may not clearly understand their responsibilities or how to do their job effectively. The solution is implementing standardized training and onboarding procedures for all new hires and regular refresher training for current employees.
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Outdated Technology

Finally, outdated technology can also contribute to inefficiency. Keeping up with the latest technology not only increases efficiency but can also improve productivity and client satisfaction.

Poor Customer Service

Good customer service equals happy customers, which leads to repeat business and increased revenue. Here are some ways you can improve customer service in your company.


If you have a digital platform, then it might be wise to use chatbots. This program uses artificial intelligence to respond to customer inquiries, freeing up staff and increasing response time.

Customer Feedback

Actively seeking and responding to customer feedback can help improve the customer experience. This can be done through surveys, social media monitoring, or even asking customers for their input during interactions.

Empowerment of Employees

Employees’ autonomy to handle customer issues can also improve the customer experience. This means they have the power to make decisions and offer solutions without having to go through a supervisor or manager.

Outdated Technology

Using outdated technology can cost you productivity, efficiency, and even security. To stay current, make sure you’re regularly researching new technology solutions that could benefit your business. You should also create a budget for upgrading your existing technology regularly.

Unnecessary Expenses

Finally, watch out for unnecessary expenses that can add up over time without benefitting your business. Here are some unnecessary expenses that might be increasing your company’s operational costs:

Memberships and subscriptions

Take a look at all the memberships and subscriptions your business has. Are they all necessary or fully utilized? If not, consider canceling them to save money.

Unused office space

If your company is paying for office space that isn’t being used regularly, it might be worth downsizing or finding a more cost-effective solution.

Extra inventory

Extra inventory can tie up funds that could have been better allocated elsewhere in the business. Consider implementing just-in-time inventory management to cut down on excess and unnecessary expenses.

Employee Theft

Unfortunately, employee theft can also contribute to inefficiency in a business. Implementing regular inventory checks and surveillance measures can help prevent and address this issue. However, it’s also essential to have clear policies and consequences for employee theft.

These are just a few things that might increase your company’s operational costs without you even realizing it. However, by being aware of these potential cost drivers, you can take steps to mitigate them and keep more money in your company’s coffers.

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