Starting A Food Truck Business

Deval Shah
Deval Shah

There’s no doubt that Australians have embraced the food truck scene. They have low startup costs and are easier to customize. If you’re passionate about food and want to start up a food truck business, it isn’t very difficult these days. Before you start advertising on social media and try to get Instagram followers to come out to your food truck, there’s a lot of work to do. Here’s out tips on how to start a food truck.
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Get To Know Your Market

The first step before starting any type of business is to research the market and find the gaps in it. Ask yourself, what type of food is missing in the food truck scene in your area? If there is something unavailable but people are asking for it, you can start your business with an existing market demand for it.

Don’t underestimate the power of research. Ask around for what people want, try the food that is being served in food trucks. Find a place for your new business to thrive with something unique. You can even design a survey and distribute it to see what response you get from your future customers. When you serve food that is unlike anything else available, you have a unique selling point. In business, that gives you more control of the prices you set. Design your menu according to the preferences of your target market and their existing demands.

Make Sure You Comply With Regulations

Ask your local authorities about the requirements you need to fulfill before opening up a food truck. There may be many regulations that you didn’t think necessary, so try to get a detailed list. Your food truck would probably need to have an active business number (ABN) registered in order to sell food. Of course, there will also be a long list of health and food safety regulations. Cover all your bases before you start so you don’t face problems on the way.
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Ask Experienced Owners

Although they are going to be considered your competition, there is nothing wrong with some friendly rivalry. The food truck business is not exactly a cut-throat business, and most owners will happily share their past experiences with you. They will be able to point out the insights that people who haven’t worked in the industry don’t know about.

Your Food Truck Is Your Largest Asset

In this line of business, the most expensive purchase will probably be your food truck. Before making a purchase (whether new or second-hand) make sure you research the vehicle and examine it properly. Not only should it comply with all the local laws and requirements,  it should also be suitable for your needs. For example, if you will need to do a lot of deep frying to cook your type of food, then you should probably have a food truck that has a deep fryer. It will not be feasible to use other (less convenient methods) to heat up oil such as on the stovetop.

Design, Location, and Marketing

There are three ways you will be able to attract customers. The first is design related. Your food truck should represent your menu and what you would like people to think of your business when they see it. Remember that before they taste your (probably amazing) food, they will see your truck. If the truck is not as visually appealing as the food, they may not even come to give it a try.

You will need to research the locations that people in your area flock to looking for food trucks. Usually, there will be more than one food truck in the same area, but don’t be discouraged. Remember that you have already done your research and will be able to fill a gap in the market.

Of course, the final step is to alert your potential customers of your location, and upcoming launch.
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You will need to keep a regular online presence to market your food truck. Although your food truck is a moving advertisement in itself, it’s not enough. Use location tagging on social media to tell your target market where you plan on going. For example, if you will be present for a local festival, post about your preparations for the day on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and anywhere else you have a social media account.

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