The Secrets of Traveling Around the World With a Toddler

Deval Shah
Deval Shah

Old habits die hard. This adage still rings true today as parents undeniably pass off what they learned from their parents to their children. However, this can be problematic in the sense that they’re already limiting the life of their children.
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That’s why parents should be more adventurous, both in life in their parenting styles.

There’s no reason not to teach what you learned from your parents to your child, especially if they’re lessons worth learning. But you should also be open to experimenting and considering ways to raise your child that your parents never tried, kind of like traveling the world with them by your side.

Of course, the idea of traveling the world with a toddler can be frightening, particularly because your family and friends won’t be there to offer their assistance should you need any help. But it can also be a great way to stop putting your life on hold just because you had a kid. You shouldn’t treat your child as a hindrance to achieving your goals in life.

Instead, you can take them with you as you go into the sunset and experience once-in-a-lifetime adventures that only traveling the world can give you. Going on these adventures with your kid doesn’t have to mean repeatedly uprooting their lives. Here are four lessons that they can learn while traveling alongside you:


Lesson #1 Valuing Experiences over Material Things

So many people grow up being sentimental over material things. While there’s nothing wrong with this habit per se, it can be a bit difficult to sustain when you’re constantly relocating or traveling. Plus, it can be expensive to associate good feelings with material things, especially if you want to experience the emotion repeatedly.

However, by traveling the world, you’ll be forced to pack light because you’re always on the move.
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This means that instead of spending your money on material things, you’re going to want to spend them on experiences. It could be trekking through the rainforests, taking part in traditional art classes, or sailing the high seas. These experiences will also cost money, but the only remnants you’ll have from them will be in your memories.

Lesson #2 Learning Life Skills through Application

Sheltered kids often have difficulties navigating their life once they’re adults. It could be because they have never been out of walking distance from their schools when they were young, or their parents kept them from experiencing life without them in proximity. All these sheltering can affect how they’ll be once they’re on their own.

But if you’re traveling the world together, they’ll experience life outside of their small town. They might even pick up a thing or two about traveling via public transportation in different parts of the world. For instance, if you’re in Singapore, riding SMRT trains to go around the city can be a fun experience and hassle-free.

Of course, it can be difficult to understand another country’s public transportation system, which means you have to be resourceful — something that your kid can learn too. Fortunately, it’s much easier to access information nowadays because transport providers like SMRT often have social media accounts that you can refer to for train schedules and other important details.

Lesson #3 Taking a Break from Structured Routines

Most children attend school from the moment they can walk up until they earn their undergraduate degrees. This could be 15 to 20 years of their life that they’re inside a structured system, and then when they graduate, they could be left at a loss. That’s because there’s no longer a structure that tethers them to their purpose.

However, by traveling, you can introduce them to the idea that it’s possible to take breaks from the routines they’ve grown accustomed to. So when the time comes that they’re no longer in school, they won’t struggle to adjust to their new setups. This could be a great way to help them become more adaptable adults.
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Lesson #4 Immersing in Different Cultures and People

More schools nowadays are open to a diverse group of people from different parts of the world. But sometimes, it can still be very limited to a specific ethnicity. While there’s no harm in that, it could be better for your child if they learn how to interact with people from all walks of life at a young age.

When you’re traveling the world with your kid, they’ll be exposed to more cultures — ones that are very different from your own. This could be a great way to teach them how to be more sensitive to cultural differences and respect other people, even if they don’t look alike or talk alike. You can offer them an immersive experience that they won’t be able to get anywhere else.

If you want to travel the world, then, by all means, go ahead. You don’t have to let the fact that you’re a parent now stop you from experiencing everything the world has to offer. Sure, it might take more effort to travel with a toddler than if you were alone, but it can be more meaningful because you get to share once-in-a-lifetime experiences with someone you love.

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