4 Practical Remote Access Situa©tions: What is the Best Approach for Each?

Deval Shah
Deval Shah

More people work remotely than ever before and despite the perceived benefits in terms of flexibility and cost savings to companies with such a fluid workforce, there are aspects of remote access that require vigilance.

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Choosing the right remote file access services can help address some of the cybersecurity threats that constantly exist and make it easier to work remotely with maximum efficiency, and there are a number of practical solutions to consider when it comes to common remote access situations.

Constant monitoring is required

Probably the most dominant issue of all with regard to remote access would be the constant threat to your data where any weaknesses in your network or security protocols will be exploited.

The best approach is a proactive one where you assume that your IT system and data are under constant threat and to combat this problem you should be continually monitoring and reviewing the potential risks so that threats can be nullified before they become a problem.

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Be extra careful with sensitive data

Having accepted that risks to your data and systems exist, even if they are not obviously visible, it also makes a lot of sense to adopt robust data encryption protocols, especially when you are working on sensitive information remotely.

The most obvious and effective way of encrypting the data would be to use a VPN when connecting remotely, which should have built-in encryption that is constantly evolving to deal with the latest threats.

Assign specific work devices

Another potential weakness that makes it easier to exploit security loopholes is when employees working remotely use personal devices that have not been vetted or specifically assigned.

The IT team needs to approve all devices before they are allowed to connect to the network and a policy needs to be in place and enforced that gives a strong level of control over which devices are used to work remotely.

Authentication layers

To maintain a good level of control over the security and integrity of data being accessed remotely it is good practice to subject all employees to strict access controls.

The easy default option is often to open up access to file servers to everyone as this makes it easier to manage, but this creates a substantial security risk that is not acceptable if you want to avoid the potential of a breach.

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A better practice to adopt would be to take a more defined and singular approach to access and rather than making file server access a privilege for everyone you should look to take a least privilege approach instead.

Obviously, this will result in a greater workload in terms of configuring the server and managing user access but the enhanced security benefits that come with this approach will deliver the sort of security benefits that make the extra effort well worth it.

Remote access offers many benefits as well as challenges, which is why it would pay to adopt these best practices as part of your efforts to keep your system safe from threats.

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