PPC for Small Businesses: 9 Great Strategies to Help Your Small Business Grow

Kevin Urrutia
Kevin Urrutia

Pay per click ads is considered as the new wave of digital advertising. But the thing is, it can be challenging to come up with PPC strategies that work.

With your money on the line, once you set up a PPC ad, you must maximize your budget to get better leads.

PPC can be a risk, but the risks are lowered once you come up with a great strategy. It also helps you save a lot of time and money.

While it is quite easy to talk about the benefits of PPC,  sometimes it’s difficult to accomplish the things. That’s why having an excellent strategy is important and expert’s of Kasandz will help you out with this.

In this post, we will walk you through with some tips that will help your business grow. Here are the nine top strategies that work:

Choose the right keywords

Gone are the days where customers discover a new product through the store shelf or in a sales catalog.

Because of the advancing digital technology, it is more convenient for users to buy a product with just a click of a button, wherever they are.

You must know the specific keywords that customers are looking for when searching for products online.
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That way, you can bid on the correct keywords and search queries that are directly related to your products and services.

There are many tools that you can utilize to help you out with this, like Google’s Keyword Research tool which tells you precisely what your prospects are searching for.

Create buyer personas

There are a lot of categories that you can group your customers into. Remember that your customers have different needs, motivators, and interests.

Let’s say you are selling flower arrangements. The customer base that is made up of men buying flowers for their significant other is different from a group of females that wants to buy flowers for their mothers.

So, it is crucial that you have separate PPC ads for each group, so that it is easier to tailor your ad copy later on.

Set a budget

If you have a PPC advertising going on and you are not getting as much traction as you want to, then you need to reconsider your budget.

A lot of small businesses set their PPC spend that is too low, and it hardly makes a significant impact. But what most of them do not realize is that PPC campaigns can generate an average of 2% of click-throughs, especially via machine learning.

Having a well-thought-out budget is crucial, especially if you want to succeed with Google Ads.

Although working with a limited budget is challenging, it is still possible to run a successful PPC campaign, just like large businesses. All you need to do is to use additional strategies.

For instance, you can only run your ads during certain times of the day, such as during business hours. Doing so helps you respond to users immediately. Another excellent strategy is to run your ads while your competitors are pausing theirs.

Geo-target your ads

Another effective way to maximize your PPC budget is to geo-target your ads. Then, use a particular language that is appropriate in that area.

Also, instead of just mentioning cities, be specific to neighborhoods. Although people from out of town may not directly recognize it, when it all boils down to it, they are not even part of that specific demographic.

Include clear calls-to-action

At the end of the day, you want your PPC to do something specific. So, do not be afraid to say precisely what it is. Surprisingly, several PPC ads have no call-to-action, which makes them useless.

Luckily, a single action (repeated at least twice) is all that you will need. By doing so, prospective clients do not have to think too hard on what to do next.
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Also, ensure that your CTA fits your brand’s overall tone and style. Another thing that you need to take into consideration is to design your page in a way that it draws the reader’s attention directly to the CTA.

Optimize landing pages

The moment a user clicks on your PPC ad, they are taken directly to your landing page.

As you know, a landing page’s purpose is to encourage people to take action. If done correctly, it can be an effective marketing tool that you can add in your arsenal.

So, ensure that it is well optimized to prevent your PPC marketing campaign from drowning in a sea of ads.

Here are some tips on how to optimize your landing page:

  • Make a landing page with a distinct CTA, whether it is scheduling a consultation, purchasing a product, or subscribing. What do you want users to do after viewing your page? If you want them to download your free ebook, place a call to action that says, “Download your free ebook today!”
  • Utilize your landing page to tell viewers what makes you special from the rest of your competitors, convincing them to pick you other than your competitors.
  • ake sure that your landing page loads within two seconds. Chances are, 40 percent of viewers leave if a page’s loading time takes three seconds or more.

Practice A/B testing

One of the biggest mistakes a lot of small businesses commit in PPC advertising is to put out a single ad and then hope for the best.

Once your ads are already up and running, you have to ensure that they are performing optimally.

Aside from measuring the results, you also have to test out the improvements. It is an excellent idea to use A/B testing to know what creates the perfect ad.

You must test out every copy, then see which gets the best click-through-rate (CTR). Afterward, allocate your spend with the winner. You should also test the headlines, subheadlines, URLS, emotional appeals, descriptions, and so on.

Monitor the results

PPC is great for small businesses because it is easy for campaigns to be monitored instantly, and then switch out what is not working. This is true, especially when it comes to businesses using PPC but does not have at least thousands of dollars to spend each month.

Even if your budget is limited, you can target particular keywords and then show ads to your target audience. So, you must spend your money on where it matters most.

When done in real-time, you will know what campaigns are not performing well and pause them. That way, you can avoid wasting your resources on keywords that are not converting.

Work with an expert

Because there are many other aspects that you have to take into consideration, it is quite difficult to manage your PPC strategy on your own.

While initially, it might be cheaper to do everything on your own; you would not be able to maximize your results. Sure, working with experts will lead to higher upfront costs; initially, you will be bound to get greater returns in the long run.

Over to you

Use these tips when formulating your PPC strategies. Having an excellent PPC strategy will draw users to visit your site, and then you will take it from there. When using PPC ads in your organic strategy, it is easier to expand your reach, and stand out from your competitors, online.
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Get in Detail: Using eCommerce marketing hacks to personalize your marketing campaigns is the quickest way to boost sales and you can also get help from Kasandz experts.

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