Amp Up Business: Ways to Improve the Sales Productivity of Your Team

Deval Shah
Deval Shah

Is your sales team lacking productivity?

Many people assume that sales teams are motivated by money, but this isn’t always the case. Even the highest-selling teams need a boost in productivity and motivation from time to time.

As a team leader, it’s your job to ensure that everyone is working efficiently and doing their part for the business.
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This job isn’t always easy, so keep reading to learn some helpful tips that will boost sales productivity.

Five Steps To Boost Sales Productivity 

The key to boosting sales productivity is building a happy team. Research consistently shows that happy employees are more productive, so workers who love their boss, company and other team members are more likely to produce the sales results you need.

Here are five tips that will help you create more productive and overall happier sales team members.

1. Schedule Out The Day 

Keep your sales team on track by scheduling specific tasks for set blocks of time during the day. For example, start every morning by calling prospects for an hour or two. Employees are more likely to stay on task when everyone is doing the same thing, and they’ll feel motivated to keep up with their coworkers.
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Emails are another thing you can schedule for certain times. For example, have everyone check their emails every couple of hours and have set times where people are emailing customers or prospective clients.

2. Conduct Regular Sales Training 

Sales training is a great way to increase productivity and help people become better sellers.

Host sales training every quarter or more as a fun way to break up the regular work schedule and learn new skills. Bring in lunch or breakfast as another perk to employees.

3. Utilize Helpful Tools and Technology 

There are a ton of different sales tools and technology that will streamline your sales processes and make your team’s lives easier.

Creating tech stacks, or groups of crucial apps, allows you to provide the tools for your team to use throughout their sales lifecycle. The easier you can make their jobs, the more they can sell.

Read More: How Can AI Help Your Business Succeed and Grow?

4. Give Compliments and Rewards 

How often do you compliment your team on a job well done? Most of us only give feedback when things are going wrong, but positive feedback is even more critical to boosting morale and productivity.

Your employees are more likely to work harder for you if they know that their hard work is valued. Give compliments like custom awards trophies as often as possible and bring in rewards from time-to-time. These rewards don’t have to be large; they can be as simple as a breakfast or coffee reward for having a successful week.

5. Ask For Feedback 

Employees want to know that their voices are heard. If you notice something on the team feels off, ask for candid feedback from your employees about how you and the company can improve.

You will learn a lot from this process, and your employees will feel better knowing that you care about their opinions.
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Learn More About Managing A Successful Team 

Managing a successful sales team isn’t easy, but with a few simple things, you can boost sales productivity and create happier employees.

Check out the rest of our website for more helpful tips and tricks that will help you become a better sales manager.

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