How to Find Similar or Alternative websites on Google

Ravi Prajapati
Ravi Prajapati

When you like any website on Google, You always try to find others similar or alternatives websites same like that. But, Question is How to find similar websites on Google. You may think that this is not easy to find alternatives websites which will really catch your eye. After all, Google is used to show many results when we search anything.

In order to retrieve proper and exact data, we need to find similar kind of sites that can provide you same result that you want or any other purpose depending upon someone’s need.

So, Here I have made list of websites which will help you to find alternatives websites which you are looking for.

List of best websites to find similar websites:


SimilarWeb is a website that provides web analytics services for businesses. The company offers its customers information on their clients’ and competitors’ website traffic volumes, referral sources which include keyword analysis and demographics, and website “stickiness”, as well as other features.


SimilarSiteSearch helps you find similar, related, or alternative websites. Our goal is to generate the most relevant results for our users. They use machine learning algorithms and social data to determine the topics of websites, which are used to find similar websites that have the closest matching set of topics. They also analyze multiple aspects of websites including popularity, language, and country of interests. We then combine them with user suggestions to compute the overall similarity scores.


By using SimilarSites, You can explore best websites and explore competitor.  Similarsites can help you to find alternative websites that you looking for. There is also Chrome extension which directly suggest you similar sites.


Whenever you are on a site (or sites) you enjoy, hit the button. It will generate a random list of similar sites for you to check out. When you like one of their suggestions, rate it positively. When you don’t like it, rate it negatively. This will stop them from giving you repeats, while narrowing down what you might enjoy in the future. You can either sign up for an actual account that stores your info, or just install the button to use without an account.


Discover websites similar to the page you’re currently browsing. sitelike allows you to quickly preview and explore other websites that are similar to the one you are browsing.

Enjoying the websites you’re looking at and interested in other similar pages? Trying to find more websites about a topic you’re researching for? If you need new content ideas to make your website better, you can use this similar site search tool which will help you to make it easy. You can get loads of ideas if you explore properly.

Google Related: search operator works based on co-citation, so it’s a great tool to see how good your link neighbors are as well as who of your competitors end up listed together:

For example:



BuiltWith tracks 46,061+ technologies and has been historically storing this information for 9+ years.

They are able to provide customer change/acquisition/loss history for public companies with detectable usage.

So, After going through above all sites, You might find solutions of finding similar websites. These all above websites are worth to explore and you can easily find alternative websites.


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