Deval Shah
Deval Shah

The two main categories of “English” are language and composition and literature. English can be a difficult subject that intimidates students. Fortunately, you can tame the beast that is English class with a little effort.


1. Don’t forget to bring your textbooks

Bring your textbook to every class meeting. Teachers frequently call attention to specific sections or aspects of the text that are particularly relevant. Make a note of these using a highlighter or a pencil so you don’t forget them when you’re studying.

Make sure you receive the edition of the book that your teacher has requested. It’s simpler to follow along in class if your page numbers are the same as everyone else’s, and some book versions include supplemental materials such as glossaries.

2. Every lesson should be attended

It’s all too easy to skip class, especially if your freshman composition class starts at 8 a.m. English classes, on the other hand, tend to depend primarily on discussions. If you skip class, you will almost certainly lose out on vital information, even if you study the given materials.
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Attend each class meeting. Your grades will appreciate it. If you are unable to attend class, make arrangements ahead of time for a friend or classmate to take your notes for you. If you absolutely must miss class, request a synopsis of what was taught in class from your teacher. It’s critical to say this respectfully!


1 . Complete all of the reading

Rereading literature can also be beneficial. Reading NCERT class 2 book will be best for students since the NCERT frames its books keeping the children’s childhood behavior in mind. They frame stories and write in a lucid format so that they can understand the concepts in the right way. Don’t give up if you don’t understand a piece of poetry the first time you read it. Reread it slowly this time. Look up any unfamiliar words. This will be beneficial.

2. Finish all of your assignments

Most English teachers, believe it or not, do not assign homework and other assignments solely to torture you. These tasks help you improve your knowledge and identify your areas of weakness so you can prepare for examinations and long essays. Completing these will assist you in staying on top of what you need to learn.

These small assignments can often be the difference between a passing and a failing mark. One missed homework assignment may not seem like a huge deal, but they build up quickly, especially if your teacher places a lot of importance on them in the syllabus.

3. Improve your vocabulary by learning new words

It is critical to stay ahead of the curve in this age of globalization, and vocabulary serves as a catalyst for this. If you begin developing your vocabulary at this age, you will be ahead of the majority of people in this country. Highlight any words that are unfamiliar to you and write them down in a separate notepad. Take a dictionary or Google the term and look up a photo that relates to it, as pictographic memory is maintained in our mind for a longer period of time.

Make mnemonic devices to help you remember.
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Make a mnemonic out of a definition if you’re having problems remembering it. For example, you might not recall that gregarious means “sociable,” but you might recall that “Greg Arious is a party animal!”

4. Revise regularly

 It’s a bad idea to glance at your notes the night before a big exam. Take a few minutes a few times a week to go over your notes again and revisit the main points. You’ll remember a lot more of this knowledge if you “chunk” it in small chunks over a longer time. The more information you review, the more likely it is to be committed to your long-term memory. If you reacquaint yourself with your notes a few times a week, you’ll be able to find connections between earlier and new content. Exams, especially essay exams, will benefit from these kinds of connections. 


1. Raise queries

Some kids will sit through an entire year of class without asking a single question. Make sure you’re not one of them! Speak out if there’s something you don’t understand or something you think could be clarified. If you’re perplexed, your students are likely to be as well — and they’ll be grateful you addressed the question. If you have more comprehensive or complicated inquiries, you can also ask your teacher to meet with you one-on-one. Many teachers will gladly meet with you during their leisure time or during office hours.

2. Visit a writing center or a tutor

 A tutor can assist you if you are having difficulties. You don’t even need a formal tutor; ask a classmate who appears to have it all together to assist you in studying or reviewing key ideas. Asking for help can be difficult, but it will make a huge difference in your grades.

Writing centers can be found in many high schools, colleges, and universities. Tutors can assist you with most forms of writing, including English essays, at these centers.
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They’re usually free and a terrific resource, so take advantage of them if you have them.

D. Exam Preparation

1. Begin early

You never know when anything will come up that will prevent you from studying (funeral, run-away dog, etc.). Allow yourself at least a week to study for your examination. This will allow you to stretch your studying out across several days, which will be far more beneficial than cramming everything in the night before.

Consider setting aside time to learn. You may be more inclined to take study time seriously if you establish an appointment with yourself on your calendar. For a week, set aside at least one hour each evening to study for your exam.

2. Reread the passage with care

Re-reading your texts and notes mindlessly isn’t going to assist you much. Instead, strive to distill your notes down to the most pertinent information. Recopy the important information onto a new page of the paper. 

3. Experiment with various study methods

Transforming your notes into multiple mediums can be beneficial. This pushes you to think about the knowledge in fresh ways and may also aid with your memory.

Consider creating diagrams or even flowcharts in addition to flashcards. If you want to comprehend the impact of Hamlet’s acts, for example, you could build a flowchart listing everyone who is affected by his actions and how they are affected. When you require this information on test day, you’ll be able to envision it more quickly.


It’s always better to start early rather than regret later. At this age the child’s brain is active and they grasp everything quickly. So you have come to the right place at the right time, now start learning.

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