Common Household Electrical Issues You Need to Know

Alison Lurie
Alison Lurie

It’s never a great feeling to live in a house with different kinds of issues that keep happening frequently. One common issue that occurs in all homes has to do with electrical systems.

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It can happen at any moment, so homeowners should do something to fix or call local electricians to avoid those electrical problems.

Hiring a licensed electrician is the best method to fix your home’s electrical issues. Before calling them, you can try to assess the problem yourself. There are different types of electrical issues that you need to know about. Whether it’s a small or big problem, you have the choice to inspect and then inform the reliable and trustworthy summitelec electrical company about the issue.

Electricity Overload

This problem usually happens when the bulb or other fitting has higher wattage than the fixture. The house is not only at risk with electrical overloading, but it’s ultimately unsafe and a code violation. At some point, the bulb can produce heat that can melt the wire insulations and socket. Sparks usually happen after a while, and this is one of the many causes of house fires. Once homeowners see smoke coming from the light bulb, they should turn it off right away and remove the bulb after it cools down. Even after removing it, there’s still damage left, such as the melted socket and fixture, so there are more problems to deal with aside from the overloaded bulb.

Electrical Surges

You might have noticed your lights flickering after hearing a lightning strike. This is what an electrical surge would look like and it usually lasts for a microsecond. But when it keeps happening without thunderstorms, the issue may lie within the house. Damaged or faulty appliances can also cause electrical surges in a house.

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Using those appliances for a long time without getting them repaired can slowly damage other devices plugged into sockets. A good tip is to inspect the wiring or home grid and disconnect the worn-out devices from the outlet. After eliminating the source of the problem, you won’t have to experience any electrical surges.

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If it still keeps happening, the only option you have left is to contact an electrician.

Exposed Electrical Wires from Outlets

This problem should never be given any second thoughts. Exposed wires from sockets are dangerous as unsuspecting people might come into contact with it. You can find this problem in old, unmaintained houses due to years of neglect and excess or inefficient wiring. Don’t expect it to happen only in old houses as this can happen to any home. Some homeowners prefer to use electrical tape to cover the exposed wire. While this may be an effective band-aid solution, it’s still highly advisable to contact an electrician to remove the exposed wires and keep the area free from danger.

Tripped Circuit Breakers

This is inevitable for some houses which have appliances that eat up a ton of electricity. Expect the circuit breaker to trip when one or too many appliances consume too much electricity. The reason a circuit breaker exists is to help regulate electricity flow and protect the house. When the circuit breaker trips, that means it’s doing its job. When this incident occurs, make sure to find out which appliance or device caused the issue and next time, use it in low settings if it has one.

All of these problems can usually be handled on your own. But when the problem persists, don’t think twice about contacting an electrician. They resolve these persistent electrical problems in the fastest and safest way possible.

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