What is business process management (BPM) and why do you need to have it?

Deval Shah
Deval Shah

One of the key objectives of contemporary companies and organisations is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their everyday operations in order to achieve better results in a shorter time frame, eliminate unnecessary expenses and focusing their employees’ attention on value-added tasks, which allow them to gain a competitive advantage on the market. One of the solutions that significantly facilitates achieving this objective is efficient and effective business process management.

Business Process Management (BPM) – what is it?

The concept of Business Process Management (or BPM for short) describes an approach to process management aimed at their optimisation.. Implementing BPM makes it possible to improve enterprise management and governance on an ongoing and continuous basis, increase the efficiency of the company’s operations and achieve business objectives aimed at the systematic strengthening of its market position in a more effective manner. Modern business process management promotes the idea of well-planned and highly efficient work. What is more, by employing best-in-breed technological innovations available on the market, it also allows the company to better adapt to the dynamic changes that characterise our contemporary world. Thanks to BPM, companies can systematically build their competitive advantage and successfully strive to gain or maintain the lead.

Process is the fundamental concept of business process management. In the business sense, it is defined as a repetitive single action or a set of actions, whose aim is to achieve a specific result – a product, service or other, predetermined and clearly defined, measurable end outcome. The processes in enterprises, companies and organisations are divided into two basic groups – core and back-office processes. The aim of core processes is to create added value, and their breakdowns may result in stopping or significantly impeding operations. Back-office processes play a supporting role in relation to core processes, since they help with their proper implementation – as such, they do not result in added value and can generate relatively high costs.

How does business process management support the operations of modern organisations?

The implementation of a process-based approach to enterprise management constitutes a milestone in its development. Implementing an effective solution of this kind gives company insight into all the processes taking place within and brings it closer to achieving perfection, defined as process excellence. Managing an organisation from the process standpoint is based on treating all the tasks performed in the company as a kind of sequence, grouped within a single, specific process. Structuring and optimising the individual steps ensures more effective operations, efficient use of available resources (money, time and employees’ potential and skills), as well as faster and effective execution of tasks.

The operational excellence in business process management is verified and implemented by identifying, designing, modelling and optimising processes, standardising tasks as well as controlling and monitoring their progress. This in turn means moving to a completely new, higher level of operations in the company.

It also provides the company with the ability to flexibly adapt to its environment and changes dynamically occurring both internally and on the market. What is more, the company’s competitive advantage is achieved not due to the fact that it carries out all its individual tasks or activities, but thanks to the dynamics of its operations and its outcomes. The proper implementation of BPM, taking advantage of the appropriate IT tools dedicated to workflow and business process automation, allows for quick and effective streamlining of the company’s operations, increasing the efficiency of its daily work, better organisation of activities and growing its competitive advantage.

Innovative IT tools streamline business process management

One of the most important tools enabling the implementation of the process-oriented approach to company and organisation management are BPM-class IT systems dedicated to business process management – technologically advanced, modern and highly functional solutions, which enable process digitalisation and automation, thus ensuring, efficient control and measurable optimisation of company’s operations. The best BPM systems on the market follow the highest standards of enterprise IT solutions, enabling deploying business applications that support virtually any business scenario, aligned with current needs and requirements while being standardised.

When reviewing the solutions available on the market, it is worthwhile to take a closer look at low-code platforms – highly functional, technologically advanced systems, which enable efficient, quick and convenient deployment of business applications using the drag&drop method in the so-called Designers. Their key advantage, which makes them stand out from other solutions, is the fact that their end users can take advantage of their rich feature sets without having to learn programming languages and coding skills. What is more, the best low-code platforms available on the market offer bespoke technologies, which enable making changes and modifications in developed and deployed applications, allowing the company to efficiently and effectively respond to changing business needs over time, without unnecessary downtime and transition periods, and with full control over the portfolio of business applications.

The low-code approach is becoming increasingly popular for good reason – it fits perfectly into the realities of running and developing business in the era of digital transformation.

By following the link below you will find relevant information about business process management: https://webcon.com/solutions-business-process-management/

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