Choosing The Ideal Solar Battery: Here’s What You Need to Know

Deval Shah
Deval Shah

A solar battery helps you store the energy that’s generated by your PV system, i.e., your solar panel. Once your panels have absorbed the energy and it’s been converted to electricity, you can store the generated energy for later use in a solar battery rather than using it upfront. This is especially useful in the evenings when there is no sunlight, or in case there’s a power outage, you can make use of this stored energy to power your home.

How Do These Batteries Work?

It’s simple, the excess energy absorbed via your solar panels is sent for storage in the batteries, which can be used later. This is highly useful when your solar panels stop generating electricity or functioning at their optimum due to low visibility or during the night.

What Do You Need To Look For In A Good Solar Battery?

This is a question that often comes to mind when someone is planning on getting a solar battery. However, since there are so many batteries available in the market, it can get confusing as to which one you should go for.

Here’s what you need to pay attention to:

  • Battery life and warranty: The average life of a solar battery is around 5-15 years; however, most high-quality modern batteries can last much longer.
  • Power capacity: It’s the amount of electricity that a battery can store. You can increase this capacity by having multiple batteries stacked up to store more power, depending on your usage.
  • Depth of discharge (DoD): DoD determines how much a battery can be used in relation to its capacity. The highest DoD batteries let you completely use up their stored energy, while there are some, where you can only use a certain percentage of the stored energy. Therefore, always go for a higher DoD battery.

What Are The Most Common Types Of Solar Batteries?

Lithium-Ion: These are the most reliable types of solar batteries with a longer lifespan and DoD. Lithium-ion batteries are compact and can be easily stored without requiring much space; however, on the downside, they are more expensive when compared to lead-acid batteries.

Lead Acid: They are the oldest forms of solar batteries in use and are the most economical batteries for home-usage. Even though, Lead Acid batteries have a lower DoD compared to Lithium-Ion batteries; however, their lower cost makes them a better option for homes.

What Are Some Good Solar Battery Options Available in the Indian Market?

Luminous offers one of the best options in the market when it comes to solar batteries. They have two types of battery options to choose from depending on your needs and requirements.

good Solar Battery

  • L Series

The L Series by Luminous is specially designed to provide long-lasting power backup. The L Series batteries are C10 rated deep cycle batteries and come with a 5-year warranty.

L Series by Luminous solar battery

  • H Series

Just like the L Series, the H Series batteries are also C10 rated deep cycle batteries. They come with a 6- year warrant and are designed to provide power for longer durations that works are best for areas with prolonged outages.

Moving to solar energy is one of the wisest decisions you can make in your life. It’s more economical, environment friendly, and offers more value for money compared to other forms of backup solutions. Moreover, the reduced carbon footprint as a result of opting for solar energy is an added plus point that can help reverse climate change and ensure a better future for the generations to come.

So, if you are looking for a power backup solution that not only helps you save more on electricity bills and also lets you do your bit for the planet, then getting a solar battery is your best bet!

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