How to write a resume without mistakes

Ravi Prajapati
Ravi Prajapati

Education, courses, advanced training

In reverse order the name of the educational institutions in full, specialty. This block describes additional training and refresher courses. For young professionals, it makes sense to describe in the resume the places of internships and apprenticeships. There is no need to specify what is not directly related to work. However, English courses and public speaking training would be a bonus.

  • Education on your resume is spelled out as follows:
  • Date of admission and graduation: month, year.
  • Name of school, faculty, major.
  • Level of education: vocational secondary, incomplete higher, higher (bachelor, master). School only if no other education is listed.
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Additionally, you can briefly describe what skills and knowledge were obtained as a result of the courses. Professional certificates, if any, should also be indicated.

Foreign languages

It is an advantage to be competent in foreign languages, especially for big companies and for responsible positions.

Personal qualities, hobbies and interests in the “About Me” section

The “About Me” section allows you to learn more about the personality of the applicant, his personal qualities, but you should not include here contradictory data. Often is asked to write in the resume positive and negative character traits, whether there are bad habits. Describing too many qualities is not necessary. They should relate to the position to be taken. For many professions are important to stress resistance, accuracy, attentiveness, patient and polite treatment of clients.

Applicants for the position of an accountant can write: assiduity, attentiveness, analytical mindset. For the post of personnel manager: communication skills, attentiveness, activity, the desire for self-development. To work with children: love for children, friendliness, punctuality, cleanliness. For a creative profession indicate: an unconventional outlook on the solution of the problem, a sense of style, the desire to find unusual solutions.

Difficulties arise when asked to indicate negative character traits in the resume. Special skill – to translate the negative characteristics into positive: pedantic, but carefully performing their duties; strict, but fair.

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Hobbies, hobbies are recommended to specify in the resume those that talk about the desire for self-development, education: passion for history, architecture (for example, for the designer), sports (suggests that the candidate is active), foreign language learning. As additional information in the resume should specify driving. This is relevant if the work involves traveling. At the end of the resume should write in what time the candidate is ready to start working.

Knowing how to properly compose a resume for a job, a job seeker can create an effective self-presentation and without problems to take a vacant position.

The perfect resume

When you have trouble writing a resume, your best bet is to use resume services.

The resume you get here:

  • Emphasizes your strengths and advantages.
  • Individually styled to stand out from other resumes.
  • Conforms to international standards.
  • Grammatically and stylistically correct, has clear wording and unique design.
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  • Translated into several languages and adapted to the specifics of the region and the employing company.

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