10 Rules to Live by for Creating Professional Documents

Deval Shah
Deval Shah

Research found it takes seven seconds to make a first impression on someone or something.

The same goes for professional documents. If the layout is messy, there are too many fonts, and you’ve used the wrong margins then it won’t impress the recipient.

Sound familiar? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Here are our top 10 tips for creating professional documents.

1. Use Standard Font Size and Color

The number one rule for how to make a document look professional is choosing the right font, size, and color. Most business papers use 12-point font size to make sure the text is easy-to-read.

When done correctly, color can add a professional touch especially to highlight key areas. Make sure it’s the same tone so it’s consistent by checking CMYK or RGB codes.

You must find the right typeface for the document. As a general rule, choose a serif font as it’s easier to read on hard copies. For instance, Georgia is a good font for personal documents and business-related ones.

Whichever font you decide, use the same one throughout the document so it’s neat. At a maximum, use two contrasting fonts, one for the body text and another for the header. Sans serif fonts are great for headers and it’ll create an attractive visual contrast.

2. Break Up Text 

All professional document products must break up walls of text. Separate your document into sections by using subsections and headings.

Consider adding lists so the reader knows the most important points. Use numbered lists to count a range of items or bullet points work great but stick with one otherwise the document will look messy.

If you have to show data like graphs or charts, place images between paragraphs, and keep them center aligned. This means the captions are highlighted and your professional document template is cohesive.

3. Less Is More 

Not sure how to make a business document?

Keep it simple and focus on the content. Your goal is to make the text easier to read and digest so your message is conveyed. Avoid adding eye-catching elements as it’ll deter the recipient’s attention away from your business document.

You should also maximize white space as it makes the document clearer and easy-to-read. Plus, keep your wording tight and revise any confusing, long sentences so they’re succinct.

If you’re looking for the best publishing software for your document, check out this article.

4. Choose Standard Page Size and Margins 

Most business documents use the US Letter size or A4. As a general rule, margins should have a one-inch margin on all sides of the page to maximize the document’s readability. But if you plan to store the documents into a binder, increase the side margins to 1 1/2 inches to consider the rings.

5. Align Paragraphs to the Left 

Most newspapers and novels use justified alignment but this shouldn’t be used for official documents. Instead, choose left alignment for text as it keeps the letter-spacing perfect for every typeface. If not, your text will look messy and distracting so your message won’t be clear.

6. Choose the Right Line Spacing 

Line spacing is the space between the lines of the text so experiment with them so your document is attractive and easy-to-read. As a general rule, set your line spacing to 1.2 as it looks neat and keeps your text organized.

Always double-space between your paragraphs to prevent a wall of text. If your paragraphs are spaced apart then indents are unnecessary as they create awkward white space.

7. Avoid Widows and Orphans 

You must avoid “widows” and “orphans” otherwise your business documents won’t look professional.

A “widow” is when the line at the end of a paragraph has less than seven characters so it looks incomplete. On the other hand, an “orphan” is a line at the start of a new page and has less than seven characters.

It’s important to correctly format your business document so you avoid these mistakes.

8. Don’t Make Sentences Too Long

Even though sentence-length is subjective, avoid ones that are too long. Don’t communicate multiple ideas at once otherwise the reader will be confused and potentially irritated.

Instead, dedicate a paragraph to cover a point so the reader knows where to refer back to later on.

9. Be Visually Consistent 

Once you’ve created the document, use it as a brand template for future documents. This means you’ll create visually consistent papers faster to strengthen your brand identity.

Plus, you won’t have to worry about the document’s format and focus on what to write instead. And when you refer to your brand, be consistent throughout the document. Don’t add nicknames or unnecessary shortened version as it doesn’t look professional.

10. Always Print Preview

Regardless of whether it’s a two-page or a 100-page document, you must print preview. Remember to thoroughly proofread the document to wean out errors otherwise, you won’t look professional.

Once you’re certain the format is correct, hit “Print”. Make sure your printer has high-clarity inks to ensure tones are rich and professional-looking.

Plus, always stick to white paper so the text is easy-to-read otherwise it’ll end up looking like a promotional flyer.

That’s How to Format Professional Documents

Now you know how to create professional documents for your recipient.

Choose an eligible font and don’t go overboard on the color. You must also choose the right margin, paragraph alignments, and avoid giant walls of text.

And always remember to print preview to highlight any problems. Good luck!

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