How to do your personal Branding?

Read in Brief Staff
Read in Brief Staff

Are you wondering that how to build your personal brand, here are some ideas to go about building the personal brand? Understand and be your authentic self. Speaking engagements. Write thought leadership articles and participate in interviews. Build your online presence. Remain a student of your industry.

  1. Who are you?

Your skills: abilities, education, professional experience.

Your Passion: passion and personality are keys to a strong brand.

Your USPs: the key to success is specialization: the richer, the richer!

2. How are you perceived?

Personal Relationships: what do your friends say about you?

Online Reputation: what do the search results on google say about you?

Professional Relations: what do your colleagues and customers say about you?

  1. What do you want to achieve?

Your Sector: Create personal products or service in your business field.

Your Market: Identify the right target audience for your brand.

Your Style: Plan your communication to be clear and consistent.

  1. Create your brand!

Emotions & Words choose a name and slogan that will characterize you and are easy to remember.

Emotions & Images: Choose your company colours, a logo that represents you and the corporate identity.

Emotions & Storytelling: engage with your own story using your bio.

  1. Create your ecosystem!

Your Home: Make your blog the centre of your online communications.

Parks & Squares: Use social network as places to socialize, share and interact with people

Theatres & Clubs: Use social media to enjoy and share entertainment contents.

  1. Create your network!

Influencers: Follow experts in your field, learn from them and create the relationship.

Communities: Actively participate in groups and forums in your field.

Offline: Visit networking events related to your field.

  1. Create original content!

Blog: Post valuable content, useful to your users and update the blog frequently.

Social Media: Create and share multimedia contents (audio and video) that are likely

Social Network: Change your tone of voice according to the platform.

  1. Get involved and share!

Conversation: Actively engage in other user’s conversations on social Networks.

Comments: leave meaningful comments on blogs in your field.

Sharing: share valuable content and post created by others.

  1. Listen and monitor!

News: keep updated on what is said about your brand and field (Twitter, RSS, Google alert).

Criticism: Listen to and deal with criticism in a professional manner.

Monitoring: monitor your brand activity using the right tools (buzz, sentiment, analytics)



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